There are a number of resolutions you could make on behalf of your company: You could promise yourself to put more time toward researching each potential new employee, to hold more company meetings, or just to promote a general sense of communication around the office. Your goals don't need to be financially based - they can focus on improving the inner workings of your organization instead. One will almost always follow the other, of course. If you can get your office running more smoothly, and your employees to do their jobs more efficiently, higher levels of revenue will surely follow.
One way you can get things running more smoothly is by instituting an automated expense report program among your employees. If you're completing your expense reports manually by using Excel or another spreadsheet program, you're costing your business innumerable work hours on a monthly basis. Your team needs to collect documents on behalf of their reports, personally format them, file them and much more. With automated programs, your team will need to spend but a few moments on their expense reports every single month. This will save them hours on a weekly basis - hours that they will then reinvest into your business. That'll have your revenue up in no time at all. Improving the expense reporting process increases profits - making an upgrade to such programs a worthy New Year's resolution for any organization who has yet to settle on one.
Using Certify can help to improve the efficiency of workflow at your office
When you implement Certify's automated expense report management software into your office, you'll be saving hours for employees in many different departments. Your traveling employees, for example, won't have to save any of their paper receipts anymore, nor enter data from them: the program automatically parses through uploaded receipt images, collecting and entering the needed data automatically.
Accountants will see even more improvements to their day with the help of Certify. For example, they won't have to cross check a single reported expense against company policy ever again. Certify automatically places a red flag next to any expenses that may clash with company policy, allowing employees to correct their mistake before the reports are ever published. Your team won't need to reconcile data against company policy, nor deal with employees face-to-face when violations occur. Certify automates every single step of the process.
This will all help executives to better plan their budgets. Without the need to reconcile data, and with reports being put together faster than ever, reimbursements will be paid out at a rapid rate. Instead of waiting weeks and months for solid financial data regarding company travel and expense data, the information needed will be available almost immediately. Your office will be budgeting at a more precise clip than it has ever been capable of, thanks to expense reporting software.
So if your working for an organization that's looking to improve in the new year, consider implementing automated expense report technology. All employees will get an efficiency boost from an improvement to the expense management system.
A New Year for your Business Venture
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